Weaver Tactical Scope, in excellent condition, and Made in Japan!
I bought this new but am no longer using it so it's time to sell. This is in excellent condition and works great. You'll see in the photos that it also include a nice scope cover. I take care of the things I buy which is why I keep the original box and packing material.
It is a First Focal Plane scope which is quickly becoming the preferred type.
I need to point out that this scope is made in Japan. If you've been looking for rifle scopes you see that most are made in China and are considered the lowest quality, although there are some good Chinese scopes. The next step up are those made in the Philipines. Many of the Vortex scopes are made in either China or the Philipines. The next step up in quality are those made in Japan, and that's what you're getting with this scope. It's a high-quality scope.
I have included a lot pf photos, trying to show everything. Click on any photo to see a larger version in a separate window. The large versions are as large as 2000 pixels wide so you will also need to click on that photo in the new to see it full-size since browsers typically reduce the image size to fit the browser window.
Price: $575
Select any photo to access a larger version in a new window. Note: Large versions are as large as 2000 pixels wide so you will also need to click on the larger photo to see it full-size since browsers typically reduce the image size to fit the browser window.
Shipping information: I will ship this via Priority Mail to the lower 48 United States for $20.
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